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Vinyl Record Project
Varios - "NO BOYS"
Release Date: April 30, 2024
Material Collection Deadline: January 15, 2024
Limited Edition: 300 copies
Varios - NO BOYS
1LP - 180gr -BSG-013
This vinyl is a concentrate of summer, embodying everything associated with carefreeness and relaxation. We've gathered tracks that feel alive, transporting the listener to hot days when the main concern is choosing between lemonade and another refreshing drink.
The music pulses with the easy beats of chillhop, creating a soundscape for days spent in the sun or under the shade of a big tree. It's not just background noise; it's a soundtrack for summer adventures or a siesta in a hammock when the air quivers with heat, and time slows down.

There's no room for hustle here. This vinyl is an invitation to lean back and immerse yourself in a world where passion mixes with laziness, and pleasure intertwines with music. Each track is an echo of summer memories, a reminder that the present is there to be enjoyed. The vinyl is designed to be a faithful companion during these long months, offering rhythms that are so pleasant to move to in sync with the lazy summer days.
This is a preliminary version of the cover. This photo was taken by our friend, a well-known photographer. We feel that this image conveys the mood of the music we would like to include in the record. The photograph exudes a refined yet slightly disheveled sexuality that's not for show. Her panties aren't lying perfectly; she's not a model. The water droplets indicate the heat and summer. The black and white shot places a certain emphasis on this. Despite summer being about bright colors, we would prefer them to be in the music, not on the cover.
During the process of working on the vinyl, various visual images associated with this release emerged in our minds. We've compiled a series of photographs that, in our opinion, accurately convey the mood and concept of the album.
These photos are not just beautiful images. They reflect the music we're about to present, capturing special summer moments, states of relaxation, and the hidden sensuality of the hot season. They are a visual complement to the melodies and rhythms you'll find in the recording.
We invite you to take a look at these images to better understand the atmosphere and idea of the vinyl even before listening to it. These photographs will help you tune into the album's wave and fully immerse yourself in the world we've created in each track.
"NO BOYS" is just a provisional title.
 It was chosen by the photographer who captured this unique shot, reflecting his personal vision and emotion of the moment. However, we understand the importance of a direct and clear title for the record that would precisely convey its content and aesthetic. Thus, we are considering other, more descriptive title options:
  • "Lazy Love & Lemonade"
  • "Laid-back Lemonade Rhythms"
  • "Velvet Vibes in the Heat"
  • "Chillhop Embrace: Sultry Summer Vibes"
  • "Sex & Chillhop Nights"
  • "Sexy Chillhop Whispers"
  • "Sex & Chillhop Moods"
  • "Chillhop Sunsex"
  • "Hot Chillhop Nights"
We would be interested to hear your opinion on this matter. Perhaps you have some ideas or suggestions that could help us in choosing the final title?

This vinyl release is conceived as the perfect musical accompaniment for the summer of 2024. Our aim is to craft not just an album but a genuine addition to the collections of analog sound enthusiasts, boasting the warmth and depth inherent to vinyl.
The project's goal is to convey a special mood to the listeners, an atmosphere of relaxation and carefreeness cherished by quality music aficionados. We want this album to envelop you in warmth, evoke pleasant memories, and inspire creative endeavors, becoming an indispensable element of your summer days.
We sincerely hope you were able to feel and share the emotions and sentiments we're striving to embed in this project. This isn't just a collection of tracks; it's a guide to musical waves we wish to present to the world.
Incorporating your creativity into this album would not only be an honor for us but also a great opportunity for you to express yourself, share your unique musical vision, and become a part of something truly special. We eagerly anticipate the chance to welcome you among the artists of this vibrant and memorable release.
Stages of release production
Material Submission
If our proposal has piqued your interest, we are awaiting your submissions by January 15, 2024.
Selection and Mastering
We plan to complete the mastering process by January 20, 2024.

We will send the record for pressing on February 1, 2024.
Record Release
We are planning to release the record on April 30, 2024.
  • Timing

    It is preferable to make a track no less than 3 and no more than 4 minutes long.
  • Format

    We accept tracks in WAV format.
  • Borrowings

    Do not use elements that may infringe on anyone's rights.
  • You will receive

    In addition to being credited on the record, on all platforms where the release will be promoted, we will send you 5 copies wherever you are.
who are they?
We are a group of like-minded individuals whose lives are inextricably linked with music. Although our team was officially formed as a label only in 2022, we have spent a considerable amount of time immersing ourselves in the process of creating music and collecting vinyl. Our team consists of 17 people who decided to combine their passion and resources to establish their own music label.
We are a collective from Russia, and we want to make it clear: we do not endorse and are firmly against any forms of violence occurring in the world. We believe that in 2023, resolving conflicts through force and, more so, involving human casualties is absolutely unacceptable. As creative individuals, we are convinced that art, and music in particular, has the power to erase geographical and cultural boundaries, helping to unite people regardless of their background.
Despite being a small label, we consider ourselves part of the global community. We believe in the power of music as a universal language capable of uniting hearts and minds worldwide. For us, there are no limits in striving to convey our art to every corner of the planet, supporting peace and mutual understanding among people of different cultures and nations.
We believe that one of our key strengths is art direction. We are driven by the concept of creating projects that perfectly harmonize in their visual and auditory aspects. Designing covers for music is a process that brings us genuine joy. You might have already recognized this approach while browsing the content on our page.
We have a talented art director on our team, collaborating with a diverse range of artists and photographers worldwide. He is not just a professional in his field but also deeply passionate about design and photography. With each of our releases, we aim to offer listeners more than just high-quality music: we seek to visualize sound so that people can 'see' music through covers, art books, and other visual elements. This approach provides a comprehensive aesthetic and emotional experience, immersing them in the atmosphere of each track.
Learn more about the releases by visiting the main page of the website.
Since the inception of our label, we've been committed to growth and evolution, and today marks the beginning of a new chapter: our first international project. Over the past year, our team has achieved significant success domestically, supporting and promoting artists whose work has resonated widely among listeners. Although these names might still be unfamiliar to a global audience, they have already earned affection within our country.
Now, we feel it's time to step beyond the familiar and expand our horizons, bringing together talents from all over the world. This international venture is a step into the unknown, but we believe in its potential and see it as a launching point for new achievements and opportunities. It symbolizes our passion for music and a desire to transcend all boundaries, connecting diverse cultures through art.

On this journey, we sincerely hope for your support, as every new listener, every participant in the project, makes our musical mosaic fuller and more vibrant. This journey promises to be exciting, and we invite you to become part of this global musical movement.